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Lightning has Struck!

I got an idea!!!

It's going to include narration, cool visuals (including pictures, not just videos), and an awesome tune!

I want to set it up as a potential drama/comedy. The audience would never really know unless they saw the full film. Well guess what? It's only a film OPENING, so there's an ambiguity to it that makes it pretty exciting.

I want to focus on the idea of individuality, excellence, superiority, and just general amazing-ness. Our media and society always puts individuals on a pedestal, regardless of whether they deserve the praise or not. Perhaps these individuals changed the world, perhaps their accomplishments changed our way of living or perceiving life itself. However, there's an enormous number of people who are NOT recognized for their talents and influence on society at some point in history or even contemporary and current day-to-day! That's what the massively trashed and underrated film, Joy, is all about. This one strong individual who, despite the odds against her, fought out of her social and economic status and surpassed others' and her own expectations of herself.

THAT'S what I want to focus on. I know it is idealistic to believe we are all special and capable of change and betterment. But lets be real, we're all not. The purpose of life is to just go with the flow, and though we strive to reach high levels of achievement, the majority of us will just go through a life of mediocrity. But is it mediocrity if we look introspectively at our lives? From outside perspectives, our own individual lives seem so mundane and ordinary, but to us, it's everything from problematic and desperate to legendary and worthy of recognition. That's the interested aspect about humans, we are all SO caught up with ourselves and in our own lives that we fail to focus on the world around us. We all prioritize things differently, but over all, if it doesnt affect us, why should we care?

That's where my film idea comes in. I want to develop a story surrounding this seemingly average boy or girl. The thing is, the introduction makes it seem like this person will change the world! I want to provide narration and clips of actual individuals who have left a lasting impact on our world, saying something like "every generation has someone who changes the world" or "advances society" or yada yada you get my drift. So then, the intro scene opens up with expectations that whoever this person is, they will surmount to something incredible that we have to watch and see how he/she/they change the world! Sad thing is, they don't, at all. Perhaps in their own life, they make a huge impact... but in regards to the rest of society, utterly unknown.

Perhaps its a concept I'd like to explore in the future when I make feature length films, but I think created this would demonstrate the sad reality about life that no one really cares about anyone or anyting except themselves or their things. Sounds depressing, I know, but not to worry, its an idea that can be explored through humour and dark comedy, so its not all bad!

When it comes to life, just laugh it off.

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