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For those of ya'll (including me) who have absolutely no idea of what to do for a short film, look no further!!! The fantastic Brett Lamb at LessonBucket has created an expansive list of simple yet formidible ideas for everyone.
The list consists of 60 ideas, each which can be interpreted and remixed in countless other forms. Lamb's vast list consists of simple lines or concepts that can be enlarged upon or inspire completely different paths of thought!
Here are the first 10 ideas just to give you an inkling of what the list is like:
Write a screenplay based on a famous urban legend like The Babysitter and the Man Upstairs or Clown Statue. Snopes is a great starting point.
Create a short film about an incident—shown from the perspective of five different people. Watch films like Crash and Vantage Point for inspiration.
Make a mockumentary. Start off by watching exceptional examples of the genre like This is Spinal Tap and The Office.
The Age’s Oddspot features humours stories that could be the basis for an interesting short film.
Imagine what it would be like if you mashed up the narratives of two completely different films. A Fistful of Dollars meets Office Space, for example.
Make an adaptation of a story that’s fallen into the public domain—examples include The Tell-Tale Heart or The Monkey’s Paw.
Approach an up-and-coming internet band and offer to make a music video clip for them.
Make a film about the same incident playing over and over again—examples include Groundhog Day, Run Lola Run and Source Code.
Make a film that consists entirely of cliches and tropes from other films.
Make a film named Interview with an…Of course, you have to fill in the blank. Interview with an Invisible Man? Interview with a Hobbit?
One thing is for sure, this list persuades readers to think about their own take on each idea, challenging young filmmakers in a fun and exciting way. Check out the full list on
Citation: Lamb, Brett. "Filmmaking Ideas | VCE Media, VELS Media, Media Arts, Digital Literacy, Media Education, Filmmaking." Lessonbucket. N.p., 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.