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Painting a Story, Telling a Picture

I created this video for my final project for my film class.

The AICE Media Studies final, obviously, is not a full blown short film. However, I think elements of my short can be taken into account when thinking of how to execute a film intro. Many segments of this video can stand alone. But of course, altogether it creates a strong central story.

But what if we split this video into different scenes and show them in a different order? It creates an entirely different story. I had an idea for making a short film with a fragmented chronology. But in the case of the AICE final, I can't go too crazy or convoluted.

Anyways, a two minute film intro has to be able to establish a narrative that can be developed through almost anything. Acting and dialogue? Technically, you don't need any of those to tell a story. As long as you have a subject and a conflict of sorts, you're set. As stated before, start with the end in mind.

Previously, I stated that music inspires me to think of ideas to film. For another post, I'm going to compile a list of songs that manifest some cool concept or idea within me, and perhaps I'll use them or something similar withing my final project.



I'm Chris, I'm a film geek, love movies.

Writing, directing, acting, editing, art, you name it, I provide it.


If you want to actually reach me, that'd be cool! I would love to hear from my MILLIONS of fans... haha...ha...

This site is for pure educational purposes, but I do find much recreation in this blog <3

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